18 outubro 2012

outra pérola de “mellon collie” é esta canção, grandiosa na sua simplicidade, perfeita na sua imperfeição. 
e na realidade um dos atractivos é que são duas canções numa só. 
curioso, numa canção sobre a beleza no outro, serem abóboras o que nos esmaga.

Beautiful, you're beautiful, as beautiful as the sun
Wonderful, you're wonderful, as wonderful as they come
And I can't help but feel attached
To the feelings I can't even match
With my face pressed up to the glass, wanting you

Beautiful, you're beautiful, as beautiful as the sky
Wonderful, it's wonderful, to know that you're just like I
And I'm sure you know me well, 
As I'm sure you don't
But you just can't tell
Who'll you love and who you won't

And I love you, as you love me
So let the clouds roll by your face
We'll let the world spin on to another place
We'll climb the tallest tree above it all
To look down on you and me and them

And I'm sure you know me well, as I'm sure you don't
But you just can't tell, who you'll love and who you won't
Don't let your life wrap up around you
Don't forget to call, wheneverI'll be here just waiting for you
I'll be under your stars forever
Neither here nor there just right beside you
I'll be under the stairs forever
Neither here nor there just right beside you 

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