31 maio 2015

‹‹ Flaubert believed that it was impossible to explain one art form in terms of another, and that great paintings required no words of explanation. Braque thought the ideal state would be reached when we said nothing at all in front of a painting. But we are very far from reaching that state. We remain incorrigibly verbal creatures who love to explain things, to form opinions, to argue... it is a rare picture which stuns, or argues, us into silence. And if one does, it is only a short time before we want to explain and understand the very silence into which we have been plunged. ››

Julian Barnes

4 comentários:

  1. tens um inguelês perfeito :)

    1. ...havias de ver o meu cópipeiste ;)
      (a citação é retirada do último barnes, "keeping an eye open", uma série de ensaios sobre pintores e a sua (nossa) visão da arte. ando a ler sem ordem. o dedicado ao lucian freud é bri-lhan-te)

  2. Grande Barnes! Estou a ler "Nada a Temer" e quero comprar esse já :-))))))))

    1. este ainda só existe em inglês, mas deverá ser editado. ;)


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