02 dezembro 2013

literalmente falando, o maior cantor de azuis foi mesmo chester arthur burnett (o lobo uivante), do alto dos seus dois metros e mais de cem quilos. e parece, ao contrário do que afirma neste azul, que era bastante supersticioso.

Well, I ain't superstitious, black cat just cross my trail.
Don't sweep me with no broom, I might get put in jail.
When my right hand itches, I gets money for sure.
But, when my left eye jumps, somebody's got to go.
Well, I ain't superstitious, black cat just cross my trail.
Don't sweep me with no broom, I just might get put in jail.
Well, the dogs are howlin, all over the neighborhood.

That is true sign of death, baby, that ain't no good.
Well, I'm not superstitious, blow that black cat across my trail.
Don't sweep me with no broom, I just might get put in jail.
That's bad luck for me.

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