d e s c u b r a
a s
s e t e
d i f e r e n ç a s :
o poema de josé manuel de vasconcelos trouxe-me a recordação desta canção dos steeleye span, um grupo de folk-rock inglês que tanto ouvi na adolescência. nos tempos difíceis da velha inglaterra a voz de maddy prior era fresca e o ritmo era vivo e pairava no ar a esperança. voltaram a gravar a canção quase quarenta anos depois e, nos tempos difíceis da nova inglaterra, a voz de maddy prior ainda permanece fresca, mas o ritmo deixou de ser vivo e paira no ar desencantado um certo desalento.
a) antes
b) agora
Come all
brother tradesmen that travel along
O pray come and
tell me where the trade is all gone
Long time have
I travelled and I cannot find none
(R): And sing O
the hard times of Old England
In Old England
very hard times
Provisions you
buy at the shop it is true
But if you've
no money there's none there for you
So what's a
poor man and his family to do
You must go to
the shop and you'll ask for a job
They'll answer
you there with a shake and a nod
Well that's
enough to make a man turn out and rob
You will see
the poor tradesmen a walking the street
From morning
'till night for employment to seek
And scarce have
they got any shoes to their feet
Our soldiers
and sailors have just come from war
Been fighting
for Queen and country this year
Come home to be
starved better stayed where they were
And now to
conclude and to finish my song
Let us hope
that these hard times they will not last long
I hope soon to
have occasion to alter my song
And sing O the
good times of Old England
In Old England
jolly good times
felizmente, quando ainda a tocam nos palcos de hoje, tantos anos depois, tudo parece renovar-se :)