02 junho 2012

d e s c u b r a
a s
s e t e
d i f e r e n ç a s :

(e só por ser noite de sábado)

Well, you gassed her up, behind the wheel
With your arm around your sweet one in your Oldsmobile
Barreling down the boulevard
You're looking for the heart of Saturday night

And you got paid on Friday, your pockets are jingling
Then you see the lights and you get all tingling
Cause you're cruising with a six
You're looking for the heart of Saturday night

Then you comb your hair, you shave your face
Trying to wipe out every trace
Of all the other days in the week
You know that this'll be the Saturday you're reaching your peak

Stopping on the red, you're going on the green
Cause tonight will be like nothing you've ever seen
And you're barreling down the boulevard
You're looking for the heart of Saturday night

Tell me, is it the crack of the pool balls, neon buzzing
Telephone's ringing, it's your second cousin
Is it the barmaid that's smiling from the corner of her eye
Magic of the melancholy tear in your eye

Makes it kind of quiver down in the core
Cause you're dreaming of them Saturdays that came before
And now you're stumbling
You're stumbling onto the heart of Saturday night

You gassed her up and you're behind the wheel
With your arm around your sweet one in your Oldsmobile
Barreling down the boulevard
You're looking for the heart of Saturday night

Is it the crack of the pool balls, neon buzzing
Telephone's ringing, it's your second cousin
And the barmaid is smiling from the corner of her eye
Magic of the melancholy tear in your eye

Makes it kind of special down in the core
And you're dreaming of them Saturdays that came before
It's found you stumbling
Stumbling onto the heart of Saturday night

And you're stumbling
Stumbling onto the heart of Saturday night

[claro que a canção da minha vida é o original do jovem thomas alan]

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