07 janeiro 2014

no ano que vem esta canção festejará noventa risonhas primaveras. escrita originalmente para um musical da broadway, muito depressa foi adoptada pelo mundo do jazz e tornou-se um lendário standard. gosto muita desta interpretação de miss ekdahl, em que a sua voz branca e quase sussurrada empresta ao magnífico arranjo para o trio de peter nordahl uma atmosfera de intimidade - e apetece beber chávenas de chá sem fim.

I'm discontented
With rooms that are rented
So I have invented my own.
Darling, this place
Is a lover’s oasis
Where life's weary chase is unknown

Far from the crowd in the city
Where flowers pretty caress the stream
Cozy to hide in, to live side by side in,
Don't let it apart in my dreams

Picture me upon your knee
Just tea for two
And two for tea
Just you for me
And me for you alone

Nobody near us
To see us or hear us
No friends or relations
On weekend ocasions
We won't have it known, dear
That we own a telephone

Day will break and you awake
And I will bake a sugar cake
For you to take
For all the boys to see

We will raise a family
A girl for you
And a boy for me
Can't you see how happy we would be

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