15 junho 2015

quando ouço a irmã rosetta tharpe penso sempre nela como uma força da natureza, impossível, inexorável, invencível. 
o seu meio era o do gospel, cantado e vivido, mas as tournés a espalhar a palavra por toda a américa levaram-na a contactar outros géneros, sobretudo o recém-nascido rock&roll - e elvis presley, little richard, jerry lee lewis citaram o seu nome como influência essencial. 
sabe-se que gostava também de azuis e, apesar de não ter nascido numa plantação de algodão no mississippi, nasceu numa pequena cidade do arkansas, chamada… cotton plant.

I'm gonna tell you the notch of facts
That the man don't understand the good book right and that's all

You know what?
We got to have more love
More understanding everyday of our lives and that's all

When you see folks jump from this or that
They don't know they don't know where the devil's at
That's all

They got to have more love, more understanding
Everyday of their lives I tell ya that's all

Listen, people fighting one another
And think they're doing swell
And all they want is your money
And you can go to hell

That's all

Ya'll got to have religion, yeah, I tell ya that's all
Now you can go to the college
Go to the schools
Have a good religion he use for educated blues

That's all Yeah, that's all

He got to have more love, more understanding
Everyday of our lives and that's all

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